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Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Bellevue, WA

Dental graphic with futuristic symbols from A Smiling Heart Dentistry in Bellevue, WAOral surgery or any surgical procedure leaves wounds in your tissues. These wounds require time to heal. The amazing thing about the human body is that it can heal itself. Your blood contains a colorless liquid known as plasma. Hidden within the plasma are platelets, which are the main agents responsible for your tissue healing. At A Smiling Heart Dentistry, we use your platelets to help speed up your recovery process, with the creation of platelet rich plasma and platelet rich fibrin.

What are Platelets?

Platelets are tiny, colorless cells that reside within the plasma of your blood. They might seem insignificant under a microscope, but platelets are responsible for your blood’s ability to clot, which stops the bleeding at surgical sites. Platelets also contain growth hormones, which stimulate new tissue generation.

Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich plasma is created from your blood. Your blood contains many platelets already, but they are spread out throughout the entire body. With only two ounces of your blood, we can concentrate a large number of platelets, which, when applied to the surgical site, can help your body to heal faster.

We create your platelet rich plasma right in our office, on the same day as your procedure. Before your procedure begins, we draw approximately two ounces of blood. This blood is spun in a small centrifuge. As it spins, the plasma is separated from the red blood cells. The plasma is removed from the sample to be spun a second time, concentrating the platelets. Once your procedure is over, the platelet rich plasma is smeared on the surgical wounds, acting as a bandage, sealing out bacteria while it goes to work regenerating your tissues.

Platelet Rich Fibrin

Platelet-rich fibrin works similarly. The main difference is that a different part of the spun sample is used. Once your blood sample is finished spinning the first time, the middle layer is removed. This layer contains a large number of platelets, although not as many as the plasma, along with large concentrations of clotting factors. Once your procedure is complete, the platelet rich fibrin is applied to the surgical wound. As the platelet rich fibrin starts to work, a fibrin network begins to form. This network traps cytokines. Cytokines are proteins that send signals to other cells in your body to come to where they are, to help aid in the healing process.

What are They Used For?

Platelet rich plasma and fibrin have many uses, including:
•  Periodontal treatments such as soft tissue grafts.
•  Bone grafts –
•  for dental implants, sinus lifts, cleft palate surgeries.
•  Facial reconstructive surgery.

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma/Fibrin

There are several benefits associated with the use of platelet rich plasma and platelet rich fibrin:
•  Faster healing, and less downtime.
•  Decreased risk of developing an infection.
•  The procedure is completely safe. Your blood is used with the procedure, so there is no risk of disease transmission.
•  You do not need a second appointment before your surgical procedure for the blood draw. It is done just moments before your procedure begins.

Learn more about Our Dental Technologies

Faster healing means not only are you back to your normal routine faster, but you are also at a much lower risk of developing infections that could lead to serious complications. Contact A Smiling Heart Dentistry today at (425) 558-9998 to learn more.
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Platelet-Rich Fibrin | Dentist Bellevue, WA | A Smiling Heart Dentistry
At A Smiling Heart Dentistry, we use platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), which has forever changed the healing process following our surgical procedures. Learn more!
A Smiling Heart Dentistry, 15419 NE 20th St, Suite 103, Bellevue, WA 98007-3800 : (425) 558-9998 : : 2/4/2025 : Page Terms:dentist Bellevue WA :